My Friend's Linky Stuff

You will look at the stuff of my friends. You WIIILLL WAAAAA.

=> The one who does 3D stuff (hi Mills)

=> Rat Lover Bestie

=> Dot Dot

=> The Accursed Shoe (affectionate)

Webcomic Recs

Just some webcomics I think are cool. And that you should read. Now :)

=> Starborn

=> Small Things

=> Arax

More recs to come...

My Linky Stuff...?

Just other places you can find me, nothing special. I'm not super active on these but if you wanna check them out go ahead. In my humble opinion I think you'd have more fun on my website anyway :3

=> Newgrounds

=> DomoTown

=> Toyhouse

=> Art Fight

=> Pillowfort

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